Shen Yun, New York, New York. 183,361 likes · 1,466 talking about this. The world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, Shen Yun brings to life a lost culture through profoundly beautiful art.


5000 years of civilization. Live on stage! Shen Yun takes you on an extraordinary journey to the lost land of the ancient Middle Kingdom.

Por 5000 anos, a cultura divina floresceu na terra da China. Shen Yun Performing Arts es una compañía de danza clásica china y música de primer nivel, establecida en Nueva York. Presenta danza clásica china, danzas étnicas y folklóricas y danzas que cuentan historias, con acompañamiento de orquesta y cantantes solistas. Durante 5000 años, la cultura divina floreció en la tierra de China. Official Shen Yun Tickets site.

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Fri • 7:30pm. New Jersey Performing Arts Center - Newark, NJ. Shen Yun. Canceled. Add-Ons Available. Lineup. Shen Yun Performing Arts · Dates: Jan 17 - 26, 2020 · Days until show: 449 · Doors Time: 1 hour before listed start time for each performance · Buy Tickets. Shen Yun Performing Arts - Pittsburgh | Official Ticket Source | Benedum Center | Tue, Mar 5 - Thu, Mar 7, 2019 | @CulturalTrust | The Greater Philadelphia  Featuring one of the world's oldest art forms— classical Chinese dance—along with patented scenographical effects and all-original orchestral works, Shen Yun  A Shen Yun performance features the world's foremost classically trained dancers, a unique live orchestra blending East and West, and dazzling animated   24 Mar 2016 Time travel with Shen Yun to discover the majestic culture that blossomed for 5000 years. Brilliant choreography with exceptional power and  The Shen Yun Performing Arts is renowned to the extent that it draws talent from across the globe to perform at its shows, including winners of international  8 Events Near New York/Tri-State Area.

I år är det tioårsjubileum, och totalt kommer fyra  Shen Yun Performing Arts står också Falun Gong-rörelsen nära och är därför illa tålda av Kinas kommunistregim.

Customer reviews of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Vancouver, BC. Exceptional entertainment for the whole family. March 22 - 27 

It performs classical Chinese dance, ethnic and folk dance, and story-based dance, with orchestral accompaniment and solo performers. For 5,000 years, divine culture flourished in the land of China. Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world's premier classical Chinese dance and music company, established in New York in 2006.

Shen yun performing arts

Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world's premier classical Chinese dance and music company, established in New York in 2006. It performs classical Chinese dance, ethnic and folk dance, and story-based dance, with orchestral accompaniment and solo performers. For 5,000 years, divine culture flourished in the land of China.

Shen Yun, New York, New York. 183,346 likes · 1,136 talking about this. The world’s premier classical Chinese dance company, Shen Yun brings to life a lost culture through profoundly beautiful art.

Shen yun performing arts

Experience a lost culture through the incredible art of classical Chinese dance, and see legends come to life. Shen Yun makes this possible by pushing the boundaries of the performing arts, with a unique blend of stunning costuming, high-tech backdrops, Shen Yun Performing Arts | 746 followers on LinkedIn. Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. | The world's premier classical Chinese dance and Shen Yun, New York, New York. 183,378 likes · 1,458 talking about this.
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Shen yun performing arts

For ticketing We regret that all Shen Yun performances through March 29 have been cancelled. Please contact  19 Apr 2011 Centuries of Chinese dance and music are on display in the Shen Yun Performing Arts show at the Civic Opera House in Chicago. 9 Apr 2018 Performed by a tenor who strained for his highest notes, the song “Heaven Awaits” was a bel canto aria composed by the production's artistic  Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world's premier classical Chinese dance and music company. For 5,000 years, divine culture flourished in the land of China. Shen Yun Performing Arts.

For 5,000 years, divine culture flourished in the land of China. Shen Yun Performing Arts es una compañía de danza clásica china y música de primer nivel, establecida en Nueva York. Presenta danza clásica china, danzas étnicas y folklóricas y danzas que cuentan historias, con acompañamiento de orquesta y cantantes solistas. Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world's premier classical Chinese dance and music company, established in New York in 2006.
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Shen Yun Performing Arts sells tickets to performances on their website, and also has a page for other items that can be purchased such as souvenirs. No discounts are offered on their website, and though you may find a coupon code for ten percent off of the purchase, they are not readily available.

Free membership, and the latest on Shen Yun Performing Arts! Shen Yun Performing Arts sells tickets to performances on their website, and also has a page for other items that can be purchased such as souvenirs.

Shen Yun Performing Arts é uma das principais companhias de dança e música clássica chinesa estabelecida em Nova York. Apresenta dança clássica chinesa, dança étnica e folclórica e danças com contos de história, com acompanhamento orquestral e artistas solo. Por 5000 anos, a cultura divina floresceu na terra da China.

Shen Yun Performing Arts är ett förstklassigt kompani för klassisk kinesisk dans och musik med bas i New York. Det framför klassisk kinesisk dans, etnisk dans och folkdans, och story-baserad dans, med orkesterackompanjemang och solister. Se hela listan på Shen Yun Performing Arts är ett förstklassigt kompani för klassisk kinesisk dans och musik med bas i New York. Det framför klassisk kinesisk dans, etnisk dans och folkdans, och story-baserad dans, med orkesterackompanjemang och solister. Shen Yun Performing Arts ist die führende klassisch-chinesische Tanz- und Musikkompanie, gegründet in New York.

For 5,000 years, divine culture flourished in the land of China.