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Look through examples of setting translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. transaction meaning in marathi: व्यवहार | Learn detailed meaning of transaction in marathi dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. Marathi borrows a lot of its vocabulary from Sanskrit. Marathi has also shared directions, vocabulary, and grammar with languages such as Indian Dravidian languages, and foreign languages such as Persian, Arabic, English and also from Romance languages like French, Spanish, Portuguese and other European languages. Sage meaning in tamil, telugu, marathi, kannada, malayalam, in hindi name, gujarati, indian name, english, other names called as, translation Paprika meaning in tamil, telugu, marathi, kannada, malayalam, in hindi name, gujarati, in marathi, indian name, tamil, english, other names called as, translation All Prepositions in Marathi, 1)ऊपर:वर 2)नीचे :खाली 3)आगे:पुढे 4)पीछे:मागे 5) सामने:समोर 6 Meaning of 'Intervention' in Marathi - Marathi Meanings for English Words, English to Marathi Dictionary, Marathi to English Dictionary, Marathi Transliteration, Marathi Writing Software, Marathi Script Typing, Download Marathi Dictionary, Marathi Dictionary Software Check 'stationary' translations into Marathi. Look through examples of stationary translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. यशस्वी गर्भधारणेसाठी तुम्ही तुमच्या ओव्हूलेशनच्या काळात translation of 'preparation'. तरतूद, विशिष्ट कामासाठी तयार केलेले औषध, पाठाची (अभ्यासाची) तयारी, सज्जता, तयारी, तयारी करणे. definition. RELATED ARTICLES. preposition in Marathi: शब्द योगी अव्यय Part of speech : Noun Definition in English : a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to … Multibhashi’s Marathi-English Dictionary will help you find the meaning of different words from Marathi to English like meaning of Chāna and from English to Marathi like meaning of Awesome, The meaning of stunning, etc. Use this free dictionary to get the definition of friend in Marathi … Check 'precipitation' translations into Marathi.
Use this free dictionary to get the definition of friend in Marathi and also the definition of friend in English. मराठी शब्दकोश - [Marathi Dictionary] मराठी शब्दांचे अर्थ, वाक्यात उपयोग सोबतच मनोरंजक मराठी शब्दांचा संग्रह आणि संपूर्ण मराठी शब्दकोश.
Pronunciation in Marathi = प्रिपेयर prepare in Marathi: तयार करणे Part of speech: Verb Definition in English: make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
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Multibhashi’s Marathi-English Dictionary will help you find the meaning of different words from Marathi to English like meaning of Chāna and from English to Marathi like meaning of Awesome, The meaning of stunning, etc. Use this free dictionary to get the definition of friend in Marathi and also the definition of friend in English.
Check 'setting' translations into Marathi.
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resumption - Meaning in Marathi, what is meaning of resumption in Marathi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of resumption in Marathi and English. accentuation - Meaning in Marathi, what is meaning of accentuation in Marathi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of accentuation in Marathi and English. prestation translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'prestation de serment',prestation de service',prestations familiales',pression', examples, definition, conjugation Hello friends, my name is Sanghdeep & I welcome you to BKP Smart Class. In this video series I tried to teach English in Marathi at very basic level.In This List of Marathi names of metals and minerals from English Here is a list of Marathi names of metals and non-metals from English. If you would like to know Marathi name of any other metal or non-metal or even mineral, you can contact us through comment section. precision meaning in marathi: सुस्पष्टता | Learn detailed meaning of precision in marathi dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage.